Wood chippers have long been a valuable tool for landscaping, tree care, and land clearing. The MCM PTO-driven wood chipper stands out among its competitors for its efficiency, reliability, and versatility. For many, investing in an MCM PTO-driven wood chipper is not just a wise decision, but a profitable one. In this blog post, we’ll explore various ways customers can turn their purchased MCM PTO-driven wood chipper into a profitable venture.

  1. Starting a Wood Chipping Service:

One of the most straightforward ways to make money with an MCM PTO-driven wood chipper is to offer wood chipping services to clients. Many homeowners, businesses, and public entities require regular tree maintenance and land clearing. By advertising your services locally, you can secure a steady stream of clients who need tree limbs, brush, and other organic debris chipped and removed from their properties.

  1. Selling Wood Chips for Mulch and Erosion Control:

Wood chips produced by your MCM PTO-driven wood chipper can be sold to gardeners, landscapers, and nurseries as organic mulch. Mulch is used to suppress weeds, regulate soil temperature, and retain moisture in gardens and landscaping projects. Additionally, wood chips can be used for erosion control, making them valuable for construction sites and public works projects.

  1. Turning Wood Chips into Biofuel:

With the growing demand for renewable energy sources, wood chips can be turned into biofuel through various processes, such as gasification or pyrolysis. By partnering with local biomass energy producers or investing in the necessary equipment, you can convert wood chips into a valuable source of energy and sell it to power plants, industries, or homeowners who use biomass heating systems.

  1. Renting Out Your Wood Chipper:

If you don’t want to provide chipping services yourself, you can always rent out your MCM PTO-driven wood chipper to others. Many homeowners or small businesses need wood chippers occasionally but don’t want to invest in purchasing one. By offering your wood chipper for rent, you can generate passive income while ensuring your equipment remains in use.

  1. Creating and Selling Artisanal Wood Products:

By using the wood chips produced by your MCM PTO-driven wood chipper, you can create unique artisanal wood products, such as wood chip sculptures, decorative panels, or even furniture. With a little creativity, you can turn wood chips into an artistic medium and sell your creations online, at local markets, or through specialty stores.

  1. Providing Customized Chipping Services:

Offering specialized wood chipping services, such as producing wood chips with specific dimensions or characteristics, can be a lucrative niche market. You can cater to clients who require wood chips for animal bedding, playground surfacing, or specific landscaping designs. By targeting a niche market, you can charge premium prices for your custom wood chipping services.


With an MCM PTO-driven wood chipper, the possibilities for generating income are vast. By exploring these six methods, you can turn your wood chipper into a profitable investment. Whether you choose to offer wood chipping services, sell wood chips as mulch, create artisanal wood products, or rent out your equipment, your MCM PTO-driven wood chipper can provide a substantial return on investment.


Marketing your wood chipping service effectively is essential for attracting customers and growing your business. Here are some simple yet effective ways to market your wood chipping service:

  1. Leverage Social Media Platforms:

Create accounts on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to showcase your work and interact with potential customers. Post regular updates, share photos and videos of your projects, and engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages.

  1. Build a Professional Website:

A well-designed website is essential for establishing credibility and attracting customers online. Include information about your services, pricing, and testimonials from satisfied clients. Optimize your website for search engines (SEO) to increase its visibility and improve its ranking in search results.

  1. Offer Promotions and Discounts:

Attract new customers by offering special promotions, discounts, or package deals for your wood chipping services. You can promote these offers on your website, social media, and local advertising channels.

  1. Network with Local Businesses:

Establish relationships with local businesses, such as landscaping companies, nurseries, and tree care services, that may require or recommend wood chipping services. Offer them referral discounts or collaborate on projects to expand your client base.

  1. Utilize Local Advertising:

Place ads in local newspapers, community newsletters, and bulletin boards in high-traffic areas like grocery stores and community centers. You can also distribute flyers or door hangers in neighborhoods where your target customers live.

  1. Participate in Local Events:

Attend local events like home and garden shows, farmers’ markets, and community fairs to showcase your wood chipping services. Set up a booth, offer demonstrations, and hand out promotional materials such as business cards and brochures.

  1. Encourage Customer Referrals:

Offer incentives to existing clients for referring new customers to your wood chipping service. This could be in the form of discounts on future services or even a small cash reward. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways to gain new customers, and satisfied clients are often happy to recommend your services to others.

  1. Utilize Online Directories and Review Sites:

List your wood chipping service on popular online directories such as Google My Business, Yelp, and Angie’s List. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews, as positive reviews can significantly improve your online reputation and attract more clients.

  1. Monitor and Improve Your Online Reputation:

Regularly monitor your online presence to address any negative feedback and respond to customer inquiries promptly. Engaging with your audience and maintaining a positive reputation can help you attract and retain customers.

By implementing these marketing strategies, you can effectively promote your wood chipping service and attract new customers, ensuring the growth and success of your business.


MCM SA is proud to offer the TM56H & TM86H model Wood Chippers capable of devouring between 130mm and 200mm of material with ease. These two models are driven by your tractor’s PTO at 540rpm.

Thanks to the TM-Series Wood Chippers, automatic hydraulic feeding system, safety and performance is increased. Simply insert the material and watch as the TM56H and TM86H pulls the material into itself while slicing through it like butter.

The TM-Series Wood Chippers were engineered to be the best-value entry-level chippers on the market. From the powder-coated reinforced build, to the enlarged hopper opening, the TM56H & TM86H will exceed your expectations.




TM56H: R65 500* plus vat plus Delivery Cost.
TM86H: R74 000* plus vat plus Delivery Cost.
(*Prices subject to stock availability & formal quotation).

Get in touch with us today to place your order and take ownership of MCM’s TM-Series PTO driven Wood Chipper.
Email: sales@mcmco.co.za
Office: 021 380 2580


Showcasing The TM56H Model

Demonstration of The TM56H Model